
Auto Insurance and Singing Bowl Information

The selection of cheap and affordable auto insurance available in Lexington KY would be the most frustrating and difficult process for most people in the country. The insurance would always ensure safety and would act as a preventive measure for people. If you own a vehicle or truck and looking to have happy ride or safety business trip, then make sure that you take up auto insurance for your vehicle or truck. Auto insurance helps to protect you and your family against financial loss in case of an accident or other cause of loss. 

The Silver Sky Imports would be one stop solution for people who were looking to find unique and wide collection of singing bowls available in market. Silver Sky Imports is a unique online marketplace that offers unique handicrafts from Tibet and Nepal. Launched in 2003, Silver Sky Imports is currently the largest supplier of handmade items from the Himalayas. The network specializes in the largest variety of Tibetan Singing Bowls and Crystal Singing Bowls online and includes individual sound samples, pictures and descriptions for each bowl. Some of other products include Tibetan Prayer Flags, Tingshas, Bell and Dorje, Incense, Felted Wool Handbags, Wood Masks, Prayer Wheels, Gongs, Bronze Statues, and Tibetan Meditation Rugs. If you were looking to get more information and suggestion on getting singing bowls from reliable online network, then please feel check out the http://www.silverskyimports.com/ link or the silverskyimports.com online network.


Information of History

Are you implying hinduism is much recent to kerala?

In my information, kerala before 500 AD was a sort of dravidian place where people had no organised religion, but they worshipped their ancestors and a warrior goddess. Women drank and quarrelled. In short we can say a "Thora" (coastal) culture akin to vizhinjam, chaavakkad, mattancheri meenchantha existed them.

Into this first comes vedic aryan influences. Then arrives buddhism and jainism. Then comes judaism and later christianity and islam.

The gods and demo gods like ganapati, durga etc are comparatively recent imports. Doesnt mean wht the dravidian believed in wasnt hinduism. (though not in modern keralite form).

We can say similarly abt roman catholicism. Compare the roman church of 900 AD with that of 2001 AD. You will not believe they were the one and same organisation.


Literature Information

Has any of the 'writers' among you thought for a while as to why are you writing THAT piece of writing?

Many good authors, directors, artists or for that matter any creative "doer", who earns a great repute in his field, ends his career by "doing"(write/paint..) his own life story or snippets of it..and generally with a tragic end..but, why should we learn about others problems when we have sufficient probs of our own?

Whom is the literature intended at? (putting apart the 'enlightening' ones intended to arouse feelings of patriotism, create awareness etc. ,indeed, these are only a scintilla in the Sense-Binding 'science' of  literature)


Information about Women Honour

A very pertinent issue. Unfortunately, some people in our midst refuse to even acknowledge it an issue, but it is a huge problem, at least in Pakistan.

You are right, somehow the onus of safeguarding the 'honour' of the family always falls on the women. I suppose somehow its the legacy of the age-old traditions we have had and the notion that the men know the society better(no pun intended). So they have got to guard the womenfolk and punish the few errant and rebellious ones who challenge this belief.

The problem here is that whenever a lady wants to have it her way against the wishes of her family, her family brand here as a stigma to the family- one who has 'dishonoured' them. Somehow i don't think its because of lack of education or social awareness. You would see cases of honour killing right across the social hierarchy. SamiaSarwar was a one such unlucky 'educated' lady who murdered in cold blood at the orders of her mother in the offices of her lawyer. This was the response from the ones in our NA. Condemnable to say the least.

And the role of religion? I think the issue had more of a 'social genesis' than a religious one. Religion has just become a pawn in the hands of the perpetrators.

The sad thing is that i don't think education will help in this regard, only proactive involvement by the common man. Check this VictimsOfLaw. Some incidents where the people did win.

So where do we go form here?