
Started working on the service request

I was roped in to support the service request at the very last minute by my manager and he doesn’t have any clue about the amount of work nor its bandwidth. I had to figure out my bandwidth and make some room to support this service request based on priority basis. Since, the service request was assigned on Friday and has 2 more weeks left to complete the assigned work. So, I had put aside this last minute service request for the day and started to create baseline slides for the other tasks assigned to me. Towards close of the day, I got a call from the delivery person, who was supposed to support and work alongside me to close out this service request, he was requesting me whether I can send out version before EOD for review. I was astonished by this remark, as it was about to be close of the day and we have time till next week to frame outline for the request. I conveyed politely that, it is too early to come up with a version and it would be redundant work for me to work on too many iterations. He was hesitant to acknowledge the fact and I declined to send a version by tonight. Outcome of this conversation got me into hell and to know more, continue reading posts at “G R Team Sites”


Manager again assigned me irritating opportunity

I was somehow confused about this opportunity because, the manager was not that good with me and he would assign only complicated opportunities to me. Trusting this manager for one time, I told other manager that I would be able to support the opportunity, even though it is from most irritating account in my team. My team’s other manager looped me into this opportunity from one of the most irritating account and notified to my manager that I will be working on this opportunity. After completing that irritating opportunity, I was hoping that this opportunity would be much easier than the earlier one and got connected with the delivery person to acquire the background about the opportunity details and the amount of work required from my end. The initial call was much smoother than I expected, I got some information from the delivery person and opportunity seemed straight forward and I had a standard set of slides to be incorporated for the deck to be shared. Continue reading at “G R Team Sites”


Gradual work load from the irritating opportunity

As you may know from earlier post that I was looped into support the most irritating opportunity my team has ever worked and to my surprise that the most irritating delivery POC has left the company, I was eagerly waiting to see how the opportunity would turn it out. So, the first day started off with the standard slides to be pulled off from the earlier decks and to have a storyline in place for the call and also to get the necessary info inputs from the onsite team. I have put the story line in place and also I have scheduled a call with the on-site team to know more about the opportunity details and have also looped in all the top leaders from my team as well as the other teams to get necessary inputs and hoping it would be a smooth one. However, it turned out to be the most complicated opportunity and the deadline was too short to complete within a week, the leaders were pointing out to me in the call to come up with the updated deck by next week and schedule the recurring calls every day to discuss on the update. To know more about what happened, please check out the blog post in GR team sites.


Session went well and fell ill on the same day

I had to take session on Monday, a day before my long vacation and I was completely pissed about the entire process, as it had no impact to anyone, and the session was planned entirely to show that one of my team’s manager was proactively monitoring the team. The session went well, and I was stammering here and there, however was able to manage little bit and was explaining the concepts in most confident manner. While this manager was communicating to me, he told me that starting from me, everyone in the team would take session on every week to detail about their unique approach adopted and any other relevant topics to work. However, at end of session he was conveying to the team that this session was completely optional and can be opted by individual who wanted present some unique learnings to the team. I was pissed off even more and while taking the session I was feeling little bit uncomfortable and was down for few hours with headache & fever. To know more about my experiences, continue reading at “G R Team Sites”